What type of tubes used in Air comp cooler? 
A. Spring type
B. floating
C. U type
D. fixed type
2. The water from discharge side of the centrifugal pump is supplied as sealing water to 
the stuffing box for the pump shaft at: 
A. Sealing ring 
B. Shaft sleeve 
C. Lantern ring
D. Neck bush
3. Which of the following would be the correct way(s) of using a torque wrench? 
A. Application of jerk pulls while tightening 
B. Using an extension 
C. Tightening beyond the characteristic clicking sound 
D. None of the above
4. Chromium is a nobler metal when compared to that of steel. In some marine 
applications Chromium is electroplated to the steel surfaces. Why?
A. Chromium is a more noble metal so it will not get corroded and thus steel 
surfaces will remain protected 
B. Chromium plating provides corrosion protection as well as high glossiness and 
high hardness for better wear resistance and reduced friction to the steel 
C. Chromium plating is required for providing high glossiness and high hardness 
for better wear resistance and reduced friction to the steel surfaces and not for 
corrosion protection
D. Chromium reacts with steel to form an alloy during electroplating which is 
corrosion resistant 
5. Correct method of greasing a centrifugal pump bearing is:
A. To pump the grease until you feel high back pressure on the Grease pump
B. To pump the greasefor 3-4 pumping strokes of Grease pump for each bearing 
C. To pump the grease when the pump is stopped and drain any old grease at the 
same time by opening the drain plug, giving only 3-4 pumping strokes on Grease 
pump for each bearing. the drain plug should then be replaced 
D. To pump the grease when the pump is running and drain any old grease at the 
same time by opening the drain plug, until all the old grease is removed and new 
grease starts coming out of the drain, repeating same for each bearing. the drain 
plug should then be replaced
6. Centrifugal pumps cannot handle air and require priming. But you are aware that 
centrifugal which on the same principal can handle air very well. Which two properties of 
air are responsible because of which the centrifugal pumps cannot handle air:- 
A. Fluidity only 
B. Density only 
C. Both fluidity and density
D. Compressibility
7. Pump driven clutch type attached vacuum pumps are commonly used for priming 
ballast pumps and emergency fire pumps. What is the factor which clutches the vacuum 
pump clutch to the pump clutch during start of the pump? 
A. Low suction pressure acting against the spring loaded clutching piston 
B. High suction pressure acting against the spring loaded clutching piston 
C. Low discharge pressure acting against the spring loaded clutching piston
D. High discharge pressure acting against the spring loaded clutching piston
8. It is given that engine room bilge pump has suction manifold on which 3 valves are 
located. One valve for the 3 engine room bilge wells suction, another one for Bilge tank 
suction and the third one is for sea water suction. It is found that the Bilge pump is unable 
to take suction from any of the bilge wells, but is able to take suction efficiently from Bilge 
tank. What is the most probable cause? 
A. Pump suction filter cover gasket leaking 
B. Suction filter cover gasket of one of the Bilge wells is leaking 
C. Bilge well suction pipeline leaking between individual bilge well valves and 
suction manifold valve
D. Bilge pump suction pipeline leaking between the manifold and the pump
9. Increasing the rotational speed of a cargo pump the pump flow rate will: 
A. Increase in direct proportion to the increase in speed
B. Decrease in direct proportion to the increase in speed
C. Flow rate doesn’t depend upon speed
D. Flow
10. It has been reported that Engine room bilge pump was unable to take suction from 
Fwd. (P) bilge well while it taking suction efficiently from Fwd.(S) & aft bilge wells. What 
could be the most probable cause? 
A. There is leakage in the bilge suction pipeline somewhere between the bilge 
wells and bilge pump
B. The Fwd. (P) bilge well suction valve might be leaking
C. The Fwd. (P) bilge well suction filter cover gasket might be leaking
D. The pump needs to be overhauled
11. Which of the following is a correct point for sampling of system lube oil for on board 
or shore analysis? 
A. Standpipes
B. Purifier outlets
C. Inlet or outlet of L. O. coolers
D. Tank drains
12. Which type of valve is not rotating type.... 
a) gate v/v
b)butterfly v/v
c)ball v/v
d)plug v/v
13. Emergency steering testing 
1. Weekly
2. Monthly
3. At least 3 months
4. Before arrival n departure
14. Rudder is locked at an angle & can be moved by manual change-------- 
1. Follow up 
2. Non follow up
16. When securing a centrifugal distillate pump, which of the listed steps should be
1. Stop the pump.
2. Close the pressure gage valves.
3. Trip the three-way solenoid valve.
4. Close the sealing line valves to the pump.
17. Which of the following valves cannot prevent backflow of liquid in a pipeline? 
A. Gate valve
B. Globe Check Valve 
C. Swing Check Valve 
D. Angle check valve
18. After your overhaul a centrifugal pump is not rotating what may be the possible 
a. Uneven tightening of casing bolts
b.Gasket thickness very thin
c.More wear ring clearance
d.Only a
e. a and b
f. a and c
19. Pump driven clutch type attached vacuum pumps are commonly used for priming 
ballast pumps and emergency fire pump. What is the factor which de-clutches the vacuum 
pump from the pump clutch? 
A. Low suction pressure acting against the spring loaded declutching piston 
B. High suction pressure acting against the spring loaded declutching piston 
C. Low discharge pressure acting against the spring loaded declutching piston 
D. High discharge pressure acting against the spring loaded declutching piston
20. The main disadvantages of a reciprocating pump over a Gear pump is that: 
A. A gear pump is self priming while a reciprocating pump is not
B. Discharge of a gear pump is not affected by the direction of rotation while that 
of reciprocating pump is reversed
C. The discharge of reciprocating pump is pulsating and discharge rate is lesser
D. Reciprocating pumps are only available in high capacities and for smaller 
capacities only gear pumps can be used
22. After cleaning the sea chest filter you have placed the filter in the body and tightened 
the cover. Which one of the following is the best alternative?
A. You can open the filter inlet and outlet valves & directly start using the filter
B. If you do not want to use the sea chest in question, you need not worry and 
you can open the valves when required
C. Sea Water inlet valve should be crack opened, the filter body should be
purged, any leakages and thereafter filter can be kept isolated or used as 
D. You will close the other side sea chest valves first and then open this side sea 
chest filter inlet and outlet valves
23. In which of the following types of refractory failure, softening of the refractory bricks 
takes place due to presence of sodium/vanadium in fuel? 
A. Spalling 
B. Cracking 
C. Shrinkage cracking 
D. Slagging
24. centrifugal pump will typically give you a low flow rate at a lower pressure, where a 
piston pump will give you more pressure and higher flow rate. Is the statement correct? 
C. First Sentence is right. Second one is wrong
D. I don’t know
25. You are pumping out sludge to a shore facility using your sludge pump. You find that 
the discharge rate of pump is very slow and suction filter is getting clogged frequently. 
What is the best alternative to counteract the problem?
A. Remove the pump suction filter and pump out the tank
B. Increase the tank temperature, keep an eye on the pump suction pressure and 
clean the filter as soon as it drops
C. As soon as the as the shore facility tells you that they are not receiving any 
sludge, you stop the pump and clean the filter
D. Fabricate a bigger mesh size suction filter and use in place of normal filter so 
that frequency of filter blockage is reduced and you can get a better discharge 
26. Pump Start but Motor get overloaded or Trip on overload. 
A. Alignment is wrong 
B. Gland packing too tight 
C. Worn out / Damaged ball bearing
D. Cavitations exists 
E. All of the above
27. A ball valve is found leaking in service and needs to be overhauled. What type of 
repairs can be carried out?
a. The ball and seat can be lapped together 
b. The ball can be machined while the seat can be replaced
c. Normally both the non-metallic seats get worn out and have to be replaced
d. Normally ball gets damaged and has to be replaced
28. The difference between the discharges of a centrifugal pump n reciprocating pump 
the discharge of centrifugal pump is ----------while that if reciprocating is --------- 
A) Turbulent, Laminar
B) Intermittent, continuous
C) Continuous, pulsating
D) Pulsating, continuous
29. Purifier is not rotating with desired rpm, reason? 
1. Frequency low
2. Bus bar voltage low
3. Friction pads worn out
30. The function of an accumulator on the discharge side of a reciprocating bilge pump is 
A. Supply liquid even when the pump is not running 
B. Dampen out the pressure pulses and smoothen the flow
C. Increase the discharge pressure by storing liquid under pressure 
D. No such device is required to be fitted to modern bilge pumps
31. The most important control measure to prevent boiler tube failure is: 
A. Use of proper refractory material 
B. Proper maintenance of fuel burning equipment 
C. Proper maintenance of boiler water condition
D. All of the above
32. Refer cooling tubes act as self-cooling & expansion by 
a) Straight tube
b) U tube
c) Spring tube
33. F.O. transfer pump was working efficiently, but it stopped taking suction suddenly. 
There is a 
sounding of 6.0 m in the F.O. deep tank. The suction pressure gauge was renewed recently 
and is 
showing a positive pressure when pump is running, but Pump is not transferring any F.O. 
What is 
the most probable cause? 
A. Pump is damaged and needs overhaul
B. Suction filter cover gasket might leaking
C. Pump relief valve might be leaking
D. The pump suction pipeline is blocked
34. A ball valve was found leaking in service. Upon inspection it was found that the PTFE 
seat had worn out and was renewed. The valve stopped leaking in closed condition. How 
do think a ball valve provides perfect sealing? 
A. The seat fitted is slightly smaller than the outer dimensions of the ball, thus 
providing interference fit when closed
B. Either a floating seat is pressed onto trunnion supported ball by liquid 
pressure or floating ball is pressed onto the seat
C. Ball is not exactly spherical and is shaped such that during closure the surface 
coming into contact with seat is of slightly bigger diameter providing sealing
D. Seat is not exactly spherical, but slightly tapered so that during closure the ball 
sits tightly on the seat
35. Copper tubing is used in refrigerant system because 
A) It has less internal resistance
B) It is cheaper compared to other materials.
C) It is easier to check leaks in copper based system
D)None of the above
36. U R responsible for daily transfers of engine room bilges. U follow the sequences aft –
fwd (P)-fwd(s) bilge well n u have never experienced a problem but 5/E started the 
transfer n first transferred forward (s) bilge well n without any problem n u join him later 
u find that bilge pump is not taking suction fr f(p) n aft bilge well n then u have checked 
everything is normal. What is the cause? 
A) 5th engineer made a mistake by 1st transferring the fwd (s) bilge well, normal 
sequence of operation for engine room machineries should not b disturbed.
B) Fwd (s) Bilge well suction valve is leaking
C) Bilge pump suction filter cover gasket is leaking.
D) Fwd (s) Bilge well suction filter cover gasket is leaking.
37. The gland packing of centrifugal pump should have
A) Not allow any breakage under the suction pressure.
B) Should only allow drop by drop continuous leakage under positive suction 
C) Should allow considerable leakage
38. Which of the following valve is liable to open or close under pressure of fluid, if no
locked in position? 
1. Gate valve
2. Globe valve
3. Plug valve
4. Butterfly valve


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